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DEAR SUN SPOTS: I saw an article in the paper Aug. 9 about a study on the Lyme disease vaccine. It said they are looking for thousands of volunteers from the U.S and Europe.
How do you go about becoming a volunteer for this Lyme disease vaccine study? Nowhere in the article did it refer to a website that you could reference to find out how to become a volunteer. I Googled it but came up with absolutely nothing. Any help from Sun Spots would be greatly appreciated. — Butch, no town
ANSWER: I found an article in the Portland Press Herald dated June 1, 2022, headlined, “Pfizer to conduct Lyme disease vaccine trial in Maine.” The article stated that “the trial, held at Northern Light Health System in Brewer, will span over 13 months and require patients to take 2 shots, 2 months apart.” And that Northern Lights opened for trial registration last month and was looking for 100 participants. (
The telephone number is 989-0550 and there is an email form for questions at I hope this helps.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m getting ready to move and am deep-cleaning my apartment. Unfortunately, a black area of mold or mildew has developed on the popcorn ceiling in the bathroom. I tried spraying it with bleach, but that didn’t work. Do you and readers have tips? — Alex, no town
ANSWER: You may want to try the bleach again, diluted 4:1 with water in a spray bottle. Protect yourself and your clothing and be careful when spraying! Wear goggles and a mask. Before you use the bleach, use a sponge and soapy water to dab at the spot. Hopefully, that will dislodge some of whatever you’re dealing with, mold or mildew, or both.Advertisement
After you’ve sprayed the bleach solution, dab it with a clean sponge or cloth to push it into all the nooks and crannies of that “popcorn” texture then wait an hour or so before rinsing.
If you want to try something other than bleach, straight hydrogen peroxide or undiluted distilled white vinegar may work. Oxygen bleach, also known as non-chlorinated bleach, mixed with water may also do the trick. Another idea is to mix a solution of baking soda and water. I hope one of these ideas works and that you get every penny of that initial deposit back!
DEAR SUN SPOTS: Are people still upholstering furniture? Do you have some suggestions? I really appreciate your column! — Bette, Lewiston
ANSWER: This is a frequent Sun Spots question. Here is what I have in my Rolodex: Comfy Cushion Upholstery by Donna at 212-6195 or [email protected] and Doreen Gendron at Unique Designs (754-0048) and
I’m sure there are others in the area so if you share your craft with others, own a business that does this work, or know of someone you can recommend, please let us know!
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m looking for someone to snowblow my yard this winter. Please call me at 784-9610 so we can meet. — Jackie, Lewiston
ANSWER: Wow, Jackie, you are really on the ball with planning ahead. I hope you find someone wonderful. Of course, if anyone has a person to recommend, you know what to do!
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