This year, Jefferson County Public Schools will recognize Juneteenth as a holiday. We absolutely should do just that. Honoring any aspect of African American history in this country and county is a step towards something better. Honoring this day as a holiday confirms the fact that history, particularly African American history, is divaricate in many instances from the truth.
T-shirts, celebrations, panels, music and movie apps, streaming 'Black Experience" songs and flicks and familial gatherings are needed; however, the lessons, lies and left-outs are not or should not be ignored, endorsed or forgiven - as decades upon decades of students have matriculated through the halls of public schools not knowing the truth and potency of the holiday.
Further, in efforts to not appear blatantly racist, some companies, universities, school districts and others have scurried to present (normally via a tweet or social media blast) some feeble misleading statement about the holiday.
Ricky Jones:What are we celebrating? The complicated story of Juneteenth and end of American slavery
For matters regarding the current curriculum in the schoolhouse, this holiday is but a whisper or sentence in a few history books. Such an exclusion is where the problem of persistent and plotted smearing of facts emerges in education. We need all students to know more about what happened in the past and how it manifests in the schoolhouse now.
A true reckoning happens when the schoolhouse rebukes the lies or half-truths and removes the hyperbolic hegemony of slanted history that lifts Abraham Lincoln while detaining facts about the agenda behind the enslaved Africans. We need to position the schoolhouse, and teachers within it, to be educational emancipationists that are not molding minds, but unapologetically opening them.
On the heels of passing a student assignment plan, the district has strengthened the plan by offering new supports like facility refurbishing, more mental health support, more after-school learning centers and focused efforts to hire more Black teachers.
The powerful commodity that JCPS is seeking to leverage in improving the student assignment plan is the curriculum. Disproportionality will lessen when proportionate pedagogy and correct curriculum expands. Mental health needs for students will be better addressed when we teach that the American mentality of progress was fueled by some that were not well intended, far from chivalrous and conspirators of corruption.
The department that I lead in Jefferson County public schools, Diversity, Equity, and Poverty has taken on the charge of problematizing normalized lessons in K-12 curriculum. Specialists in my department question the way we teach and what we teach.
More:Union general who made Juneteenth announcement in 1865 is buried in this Kentucky cemetery
When discussing the awesome and renowned musical Hamilton, we challenge the teacher to teach and relish in the spectacle of the musical but to also bring to light the facts of the historic figures in the musical. We counter the curricular softening of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s beliefs and the sinister shoving of his nonviolence stance into a rim of gentle tolerance and acceptance and forgiveness. We dare the system to demonstrate a belief in racial equity by including the quintessential people of the American space race, the human computers, Black women scientists and mathematicians, into the oft-taught (space race) lessons.
This is the way to which the physical, political and personal freedoms of Black people can be honored - along with making Juneteenth a holiday. This is the path to education emancipation. This is the way the schoolhouse and every household, community, county and country could honor those in history that have been simplified, vilified and denied their earned place between the bound covers of an unwritten history, science, literature, math, music, gym, art, dance class - on and on.
Want your kids to learn Black history?:Read these books with them
Physical emancipation wedded with educational emancipation is the promise yet to be fulfilled. A shackled mind, white people certainly included, will never be truly free. We cannot remain tethered to teaching half-truths and whole lies.
John Marshall is the Chief Equity Officer for Jefferson County Public Schools.