RISON – The Cleveland County Quorum Court took the first step toward demolishing the old nursing home/hospital building in Rison Monday night by approving a bid of $111,000 to remove the asbestos from the building.
The bid was accepted during the Cleveland County Quorum Court’s regular monthly meeting Monday night at the courthouse.
Last month, the court decide to move forward on tearing down the county-owned building located on Magnolia Street in Rison. The building has fallen into disrepair in recent years, with many of the many of the windows broken out and mold and mildew forming inside. The building was also heavily damaged inside by thieves trying to take copper pipe from above the ceiling.
Some of the justices of the peace called it an eyesore and a health hazard for the community.
The first step to razing the building is to have the asbestos inside the building removed. The court approved a $111,000 bid from Environmental Protection Associates in Little Rock to do that on Monday night.
Asbestos was commonly used for insulation and in other building materials from the 1930’s into the 1970’s. Asbestos was eventually linked to causing cancer and is now considered a hazardous material and is heavily regulated. Asbestos is considered most harmful when particles from the material are stirred up in the air and breathed in. Removal requires specialized gear and training.
Environmental Protection Associates’ bid included removing 24,200 square feet of asbestos floor tile and mastic; 2,200 linear feet of pipe insulation as well as the fittings and breeching; and removal of all the ceiling tile and general debris.
Most of the expense from the $111,000 bid was the removal of the asbestos. The bid included a $13,500 fee to actually disposing of the asbestos materials once it is removed. County Judge Melody Spears told the quorum court in April that the Southeast Arkansas Solid Waste District has grant money to cover the $13,500 disposal fee, leaving the county responsible for the remaining $97,500 balance as well as a $2,500 asbestos assessment fee.
To read the full article, see the May 4, 2022 print or eHerald edition.
The Cleveland County Herald was established in 1888 at Rison, Arkansas, and is the longest-running newspaper published in Cleveland County. Located at 215 Main Street in Rison, The Herald publishes every Wednesday and is distributed through local retail outlets and the Post Office.